The Power Duo of AI & Big Data Programme

The duo of AI and Big Data has no doubt revolutionized the whole world but what it means to you as a business leader or as a professional. This duo drives top-line growth through new enhanced products, services, and business models, improves customer experience through new personalized customer interactions, and enhances efficiency through automation and optimization of business processes or augmentation of human tasks.  Unfortunately, most of the business leaders and professionals are in the beginning of this game.  Majority of them are still struggling and are not generating the promised value of the duo of AI and Big Data.  

The key objective of this programme is to empower business leaders and professionals to lead their companies to unleash the full potential of the duo of AI and Big Data.  It is designed for business leaders and professionals particularly in traditional industries. No pre-requisite is required. Apart from knowledge sharing and cases discussion, this programme will invite AI and Big Data start-ups and C-suite executives from leading enterprises to share their real-world experience on how they seize AI and big data opportunities and manage different kinds of challenges in their journey. 

Please click here for more details

Faculty:   Dr. Toa CHARM, Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School
Dates:  12  & 13 May 2021 (Wed & Thu)
Medium of Instruction:   English / Chinese
Venue:   CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central) or Live virtual class (Zoom)
Programme Fee: HK$16,500
Alumni rate:   CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee

Phone: (852) 3943 4413

The programme has been included in the list of registered public courses under the  "Reindustrialisation  and  Technology Training Programme" (RTTP) - funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund. Companies interested in applying for RTTP training grant (two-thirds of programme fee for each eligible participant) for their employee(s) to attend this programme should apply via the online system at least two weeks before the commencement of the programme.
