The CUHK Press is excited to present our latest publication A Lifetime of Serendipity (in Chinese) by Prof. Ambrose Yeo-chi King, former vice-chancellor of CUHK and College Head of New Asia College. A related series, Ch'ien Mu Lecture Series, is also recommended by Prof. King.
CUHK alumni may enjoy 25% off for the following titles by using the code “CUHKNA”, valid until 30/4/2022.
A Lifetime of Serendipity (in Chinese)
By Ambrose Yeo-chi King
More info:
Ch'ien Mu Lecture Series (in Chinese)
"The Ch'ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture" was established since 1978. A distinguished scholar will be invited to deliver a series of public lectures exploring topics on Chinese history and culture. The Ch'ien Mu Lecture will be held in March/ April each year.