CUHK LAW Professors Awarded Eight RGC Grants and Two Prestigious RGC Fellowships 2022-23

RGC General Research Fund 2022-23

CUHK LAW is proud to announce that the following CUHK LAW professors have obtained eight competitive grants from the General Research Fund (GRF) 2022-23 of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong SAR with total funding of over HK$5.6 million:

Principle InvestigatorProject Title
Prof. Anatole BOUTE Phasing Out Coal Along the Belt and Road: Traditional Regulation and Market-based Approaches
Prof. Kevin CHENG Sentencing Consistency and Sentencing Factors: A Comparison between Hong Kong and England and Wales
Prof. Gregory GORDON Post-Conviction Justice in International Criminal Law: Lessons from Hong Kong and Other Mature Domestic Legal Systems
(Co-Investigator: Prof. Normann WITZLEB)
The Use of Non-Criminal Laws to Combat Hurtful Digital Communications in Hong Kong
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO Engaging with China to Reform the World Trading System
Prof. Noam NOKED New Ways to Compete: How Hong Kong Can Adapt to the New International Tax Order
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS Empire, Internationalism and Global Labor Governance in the Inter-War Period
Prof. Chao XI Corporate Charters in China

RGC prestigious fellowships 2022-23

Congratulations also go to the following CUHK LAW professors on receiving prestigious fellowships from the RGC for 2022-23:

Click here for details of the above awarded projects.

