CUHK LAW GBA Forum Seminar Series – "Competition Law in the GBA"

The CUHK LAW Greater Bay Area (GBA) Forum Seminar Series offers a platform for the exchange of ideas, views and visions amongst academics and members of the legal professions in relation to legal aspects of the GBA. The next seminar, "Competition Law in the GBA", will be spoken by Professor Sandra MARCO COLINO, CUHK LAW Associate Professor, and Professor Alexandr SVETLICINII, Associate Professor of the University of Macau on 20 February 2023.

One of the main purposes of the GBA initiative is to foster a globally competitive business environment. This endeavour would require a solid competition law system that ensures a level playing field and protects the efficiency of markets. However, the current antitrust legal landscape is both fragmented and uneven. To address this, a Competition Policy Committee has been set up and a competition policy development plan for the area has been drafted. This seminar will explore the current legal framework for competition law in the GBA and the challenges ahead, and will propose ways to develop a common competition policy that serves to promote economic integration in the area.

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