CUHK LAW 10th Year Greater China Legal History Seminar Series 2024-25

The Faculty of Law of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK LAW) is proud to present the 10th Year Greater China Legal History Seminar Series commencing in September 2024. Topics to be discussed include:

DateSeminar Topic & Speaker
6 September 2024Sir TL Yang – Hong Kong's First Chinese Chief Justice
Speaker: Prof. Li Chen, Professor of Law, Fudan University Law School
13 October 2024The Gates of Kam Tin – An Early Case of Repatriation of Looted Cultural Property
Speaker: Prof. Steven Gallagher, Professional Consultant & Professor of Practice in Law, CUHK LAW
22 November 2024Subdividing Ming Forests: Evidence from Deeds and Contracts
Speaker: Prof. Ian M. Miller, History Department, St. John's University
10 January 2025Crying for Justice: The Impact of Public Opinion on the Local Judiciary during Ming
Speaker: Dr. Ka-chai Tam, Associate Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University
28 February 2025The Dian – a Pre-revolutionary Security Right with Post-revolutionary Implications
Speaker: Dr. Ulrike Glueck, Managing Partner, CMS Shanghai
21 March 2025Deportation in Hong Kong History
Speaker: Dr. Christopher C. Munn, Honorary Institute Fellow, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

First Seminar: “Sir TL Yang – Hong Kong's First Chinese Chief Justice” (6 September 2024)

The first seminar of the new series will be delivered by Professor Li CHEN, Fudan University Law School. The seminar focuses on Sir TL Yang, the first ethnic Chinese Chief Justice of Hong Kong. It examines Yang's lesser-known law school years in Shanghai and London, revealing how these formative experiences shaped his path to becoming the first China-born judge appointed to judicial positions in colonial Hong Kong. Additionally, the seminar will explore the various factors that influenced his decisions and passions, providing essential context for the remarkable accomplishments he attained later in life.

Click here for details and registration.
